The 18th Man Column: Predicting the top-four

Zak Hardaker scored Wigan's first try of the restartZak Hardaker scored Wigan's first try of the restart
Zak Hardaker scored Wigan's first try of the restart
Our 18th Man columnists weigh up the top-four contenders

Now you’ve seen everyone play, predict the top-four...

Sean Lawless: The new rules are going to take a few weeks to allow teams to settle back into their stride and I think we will see a few more blow out scores, like we did at the weekend.

Teams that adapt to those changes the quickest, will be in the top four at the end of the shortened season.

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At the moment, St Helens, Warrington and Wigan look good for three of those places. The fourth is going to be really interesting and you could make an argument for Salford, Leeds, Catalans, Castleford and Huddersfield taking that fourth spot. My money is on Salford to take the fourth spot.

Alex Graham: I think it’s really difficult to predict especially with the introduction of the ‘six again’ rule which is having a massive impact on how each team play. I think the top four will remain how it is now with Wigan, St Helens, Warrington and Leeds clinching the spots.

Despite their heavy loss against St Helens at the weekend I still think Leeds will challenge for the remainder of the season and will be a really tough fixture for us at the weekend.

If there was a dark horse I’d wouldn’t look past Salford sneaking into the top four as they’ve recruited well and have a good coach in Ian Watson.

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Ste Ford: Saints, Wire, Wigan and Catalans. The new rules look ideal for Saints and they look like they’ve got their mojo back. Hate to say it but they improve the more confident that they get.

Wire’s problem seem to be accommodating Ratchford, Widdop, Austin and Ashton in the same team. If they are going to win it then this is the best year as we can say that if they do they won a reduced competition and would be phoney or plastic champions. Yeah, Wire win in 2020 then their next in 2055 would be good if we can’t win it.

Catalan are the perennial under-achievers in Super League but I’ve got a feeling that they may have a bit more to give if they can avoid injuries to their star players.

Ideally I’d love them to beat Saints in the final if we prove too lightweight and Wire do their annual disappearing act.

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As for Wigan, lots of endeavour but I’m not sure if we can be anything better than 4th unless we can play Tom Burgess rather than George Burgess.

Covid-19 wake-up call for Super LeagueJon Lyon: I think the top three will remain as it is, in that order. First and second could well be decided purely on the derby results against Saints, but as good as Saints looked against a poor Leeds, I’m backing our lads to come out on top.

Fourth place is very hard to predict with teams like Hull and Cas surprisingly poor and Catalans as erratic as usual. I just don’t think Leeds have the players to make the push so I’m going to back Catalans to just edge Cas for fourth place, the return of Sam Tomkins will be huge for them.

Grand Final prediction is for Wigan to beat Saints at whatever venue we’re allowed at. That would be a great end to the craziest year.

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Are there any fit and available Wigan players who you would bring into the team?

Sean Lawless: This week feels like a good opportunity for Joe Greenwood, against the team he spent time on loan at without playing a single game earlier in the season.

Willie Isa is a brilliant player but I wonder whether the misread for the early Wakefield try last week is enough to warrant an opportunity for Greenwood.

If he gets the chance, it really is last chance saloon for him, to make himself apart of Wigan’s plans moving forward. Joe Burgess will be an important factor for Manfredi and they will need to manage his game time closely as we move through the season.

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Alex Graham: Let’s not forget that Joe Greenwood was signed as a direct replacement for John Bateman and was playing to international standard when he first arrived at the club. It seems as though injuries he sustained knocked his confidence and unfortunately the current climate restricted his chances of getting back on track whilst on loan to Leeds.

I’d like to think Wigan have also helped to coach him mentally and will give a fresh start because he’s a brilliant player when on form.

After watching the highlights from the weekend again earlier this week I couldn’t help but notice how creative and inspirational Zak Hardaker was. Could he be a potential stand-off? I believe Bevan French and/or Jackson Hastings will return back to Australia so maybe it’s time we try new combinations and slowly introduce Umyla Hanley to the fullback role.

Ste Ford: If French is out injured I would go either Hanley or Marshall at full-back, leaving Hardaker in the centres.

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If Thomas Leuluai is out injured I would replace him Smith to start and bring in Bourouh for the bench.

I hope that Jack Wells gets some game time and also Ben Kilner.

Jon Lyon: I thought we played well across the board against Wakefield and it’s hard to put a finger on how we allowed them back in to the game. I guess the amount of “six again” and penalties didn’t help.

Having played well for a first outing it’s difficult to replace anyone. Once back from suspension I’d find a place somewhere for Ollie Partington as he brings some real aggression to the team.

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If French isn’t 100 per cent fit I’d also move Zak back to full-back and bring Hankinson into the side, he never lets anyone down.

Apart from that I wouldn’t push anyone out of the team, though with the hectic schedule most of the squad will get plenty game time over the next few months.

What are your thoughts about the capture of Brad Singleton for 2021?

Sean Lawless: Brad Singleton is a solid, no-thrills signing and probably one that we needed. There will be little pressure on him next season in the way that there is on the likes of George Burgess this year. He brings a wealth of experience and leadership to the team and is a perfect, aggressive replacement for Ben Flower.

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Alex Graham: I think it’s a signing Shaun Wane would be proud of. He’s big, physical and likes a bit of niggle.

With the amount of youth we have coming through I think it’s important they have an enforcer and protector which is a role he could play very well.

As Singleton will be replacing an injury-prone Ben Flower It’ll be interesting to see how Tony Clubb finishes the season too.

Part of the reason why we were unable to reach the Grand Final last year was because of the poor fitness of our senior props and we become over reliant on our young forwards. If Tony Clubb’s fitness continues to be issue this season we may have to recruit further experience for 2021.

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Ste Ford: A bit nonplussed really. A straight replacement for Flower I assume but not the big metre prop that I think the majority of fans want.

Jon Lyon: I’m still not sure. He’s a big unit and has great experience from his time with Leeds. I guess with Ben Flower presumably still leaving and I’m not sure what Tony Clubb is doing next year maybe we need another squad player. Even without Ben and Tony we still have Burgess, Partington, Bullock, Byrne, Havard, Clark and Greenwood could possibly play prop too.

I guess a big squad is handy and prevents us putting too much pressure on the younger players.

It’s a fine balancing act though as we don’t want the young lads missing so much game time they decide to move on. Byrne and Havard were outstanding against Wakefield and while you can’t play them every week at that age against the likes of Walmsley, Kasiano, and Watts, they need

to know they are valued and not pushed back down the pecking order.