Shaun Wane making the most of lockdown

Ex-Wigan coach Shaun WaneEx-Wigan coach Shaun Wane
Ex-Wigan coach Shaun Wane
Shaun Wane may be in lockdown but he is not easing up as he aims to stamp his authority as England boss.

He is using the enforced layoff to study coaching methods as well as watching footage of players and matches.

An Old Trafford meeting with potential candidates for the national side fell victim to the coronavirus pandemic, which has put all sport on hold.

But his message to his players is loud and clear.

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“I’m improving every day,” the former Wigan coach told Mark Chapman on BBC Five Live.

“I’m watching a lot of games, I’m reading a lot, I’m listening to a lot of podcasts.

“(The lockdown) is going to make it tough, but the way I look at it is there’s nothing we can do about it.

“It’s not perfect, I had meeting planned on the 23rd at Old Trafford and we had to cancel it and that was an important thing for me, but there’s more important things going on in the world.

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“The only way I look is forward and I can improve myself and make sure I get in touch with the players and keep touching base with them on what I need them to do and how I need them to improve.

“When we come out of this, and we will come out of it, I want them to come out in a positive way and understand what I’m about.

“I never want the players to be happy, I want us to get the Ashes on and I want to win it. And then it’s on to the World Cup. I want the players to be obsessed with winning.”

Wane is hopeful the three Test series against Australia is not axed because of the coronavirus crisis.

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The chance of it going ahead may be boosted if the NRL manage to fulfil their ambition of returning to action on June 1, though some believe their target is wildly optimistic.

Wane was appointed England coach earlier this year after ending his 18-month part-time role with Scotland RU. He previously coached hometown club Wigan for seven years – winning three Grand Finals, a World Club Challenge and a Challenge Cup – and before that, was assistant to Michael Maguire for two season.

“I made a lot of mistakes early on, I was a bit rash and bad-tempered but towards the end, I knew – without sounding arrogant – how I wanted to pitch meetings,” said Wane, who along with many RFL senior figures has agreed to take a pay cut during this crisis.

“That experience helped me immensely.”

Wane has urged fans to follow the government’s advice to stay home to protect the NHS – and knows just how hard it is being away from loveed ones.

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“I’m missing my girls and my grandson,” added Wane. “I’m very close to Teddy, he’s five, and we did a Disney quiz on Zoom... he won!

“It’s been tough, but it’s a small price to pay.”

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