Gildart talks form, his duel with Inu... and his NRL '˜dream'

Oliver Gildart says playing at the DW brings a 'swagger'Oliver Gildart says playing at the DW brings a 'swagger'
Oliver Gildart says playing at the DW brings a 'swagger'
Oliver Gidart has vowed to raise his game as he attempts to shackle one of Super League's most dangerous centres.

Widnes recruit Krisnan Inu was described as “unplayable” by coach Denis Betts after his two-try show in the 23-6 win against Leeds last weekend.

His duel with Gildart is shaping as one of the most intriguing duels in the Warriors’ home opener tomorrow night.

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And the 21-year-old said: “He’s a very dangerous player and he’s a handful every time he gets the ball, so I need to be on from minute one.

“I watched him quite a lot when he was in the NRL (with Canterbury), I played against him when he was at Catalans and he’s started the season really well.

“For me, he’s probably up there as one of the biggest challenges just because of how strong he is, and I know I need to be better defensively than I was last week (at Warrington).”

Wigan matched the Wolves for tries – two apiece – but were second-best in many areas as they went down 16-10.

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Gildart was disappointed with their display, though he found some positives.

“We were a bit doughy, especially in the first-half, but we only conceded eight points,” he said.

“I think if we had the ball that much, I don’t think other teams would be able to hold us to eight points.

“We started the season really sharp and hopefully we can get back to that.”

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Tomorrow’s game is Wigan’s first at the DW Stadium this season – and their first in nearly six months – owing to their decision to move a ‘home’ match to Australia.

“I love playing at the DW, I don’t know what it is but you get a bit of swagger about you,” said the Super League Young Player of the Year. “It’s never as fun playing away games.”

Gildart is one of several players entering the final year of their contracts and, like Ryan Sutton and John Bateman, the NRL could be an option.

He has not ruled out extending his stay with his hometown club but says he would like to have a crack Down Under at some stage of his career.

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“I don’t know what’s happening contract-wise,” he said. “Maybe Wigan may come in with an offer, I don’t know when... I’ve got all that to come.

“I’ve got dreams to go and play in the NRL, that’s something I want to do.

“I’m still only 21 so I’ve got a lot of time, but I would like to test myself and see how I go.

“I wouldn’t say no to Super League but I do want to go over there at some point.”