Clubb: My time to win something will come

Tony ClubbTony Clubb
Tony Clubb
He has played more than 200 games and represented England, but Tony Clubb admits he will be battling the nerves when he makes his return to action this weekend.

The prop has not played since last May because of a worrying neck injury.

And after getting the green-light to return, he was ruled out of the pre-season matches by a “lower-back” problem – making Saturday’s game at Salford his first in nine months.

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“It’s more nerves than anything,” said the 29-year-old Londoner.

“You go through a full pre-season and when you start the games, you know it’s the end of pre-season and you don’t have to do any of the poxy running any more!

“It’ll be good to get out again, it’s been a long time.”

Clubb’s neck injury resigned him to a watching role during last October’s Grand Final.

“The first thing I said to Waney when I first met him, was I wanted to win trophies here,” he said. “I’ve played in two Grand Finals and lost.

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“But I know before my time is up I will win something with this club, so I was happy for the lads – over the moon for them – and not too stressed to miss out. I know I’ll win something with this team.

“It’ll happen, we’ve got an early one with the Aussies coming over.”

The World Club Challenge against Cronulla follows Saturday’s match at Salford, making their Super League opener a perfect chance to stake claims in the side.

Wigan’s staff and several key players have made no secret of their desire to win multiple trophies this year and Clubb is confident Wigan have the depth to cope with the demands of a punishing season.

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“This year there are two double-header weekends - Easter and in May – and we know we’ll have injuries, and we’re able to replace quality with quality,” said Clubb.

“Some teams, they lose someone from the 13 and they can’t back it up, but we can.

“ A lot of teams will struggle through periods this year, but we’ve got a good starting squad and we’ve got Sam Tomkins to come back.

“When he does, where do we put Morgan (Escare)? Does Sam go six? They’re the questions we want, and it’s the same in the front-row - there are players all ready to go.

“I can see us having a good year because we’ve got so much depth, and the players who did a job for us last year have all got the extra experience under their belts.”