These are 9 strange but true animal laws all pet owners should be aware of

It is well known that the UK is a nation of pet lovers. Together, we have an estimated 51 million animals living beside us in our homes, providing brilliant company and unconditional love.

Yet, many doting pet owners aren't aware of a range of unusual laws which, if broken, could lead to fines of up to £5,000, or a potential criminal record.

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New research conducted by pet food brand, Webbox, has revealed some of the most unusual laws that aren't found in the extensive Animal Welfare Act 2007.

From failing to carry spare poo bags on walkies to building a pigsty on the wrong side of your house, here is Webbox’s bemusing and amusing list of bizarre animal laws.

Not having spare poo bags on walks

It is every dog owner’s responsibility by law to pick up after their beloved pet, and to carry poo bags on every walk. However, do you always remember to carry spares?

Dog owners in Daventry, Northamptonshire, could face a fine of up to £100 if they are caught without a spare poo bag.

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So, if you’re walking your dog in Daventry, beware, for you could be asked to prove you are carrying spare bags the next time you head to the waste bin.

Drinking alcohol and riding a horse or cattle

We all know it’s illegal to drink and drive, but did you know it’s also against the law to ride a horse or cattle while under the influence?

Under the Licensing Act 1872, it’s illegal to be “drunk while in charge on any highway or other public place of any carriage, horse, cattle”.

So, the next time you’re planning a night on the town, it's probably best you leave your car, horse and cows at home.

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Encouraging your pooch to bark

If your dog gets notoriously excited by seaside walks, you may need to tame your vocal pup before heading to the Lancashire Coast.

You could find yourself in hot water if you cause your dog to bark here, as it’s illegal to incite your dog to bark unless instructed to do so by a police officer.

Burying your pet in the wrong place

Losing a pet is never easy, especially if you’re left with the heartbreaking task of laying your companion to rest.

However, many owners don’t know that it is illegal to bury your pet anywhere other than the grounds of the home it lived in, and you must also own that home, rather than rent it.

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So, technically, by law, you can't bury your pet at a family member’s home or a friend’s home - even if they own it. Legally, renters are only allowed to cremate their pets.

Letting your dog mate with a royal pooch without permission

This is probably one of the most bizarre laws on the list - and one with the most barbaric history.

While the likelihood of you stumbling upon the Queen’s last two surviving dogs, Vulcan and Candy, whilst on a walk with your pooch is probably quite low, you should know - just in case - that it is an offence for your pet to mate with any pet from the royal house without asking permission first.

Even more bizarrely, this law once resulted in executions before the death penalty was abolished. Thankfully, today you’re more likely to land a fine.

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Failing to buckle up your pet

The next time you fancy taking your pooch out for a drive, be sure to buckle them up.

If you are caught taking your pet for a long distance drive without a seatbelt, you could be fined up to £5,000, and have your car insurance invalidated, if you fail to do so.