Wigan-based author switches from crime drama to kindness

Malcolm HollingdrakeMalcolm Hollingdrake
Malcolm Hollingdrake
A Wigan-based crime author has turned his hand to something more benevolent in celebration of World Kindness Day.

Malcolm Hollingdrake is among the 55 authors whose short story will feature in Everyday Kindness, a heart-warming new anthology that celebrates the compassionate acts of everyday life.

Hollingdrake, a prolific writer who was born in a library, is most famous for his 10-novel series, Harrogate Crime Series.

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He is currently working on the third book in a new series set in Merseyside. His fictional story The Piece of Paper that Changed a Life is about a man who is arrested for murder, but who is saved when a laundry receipt proves his innocence.

The new anthologyThe new anthology
The new anthology
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He said: “I am humbled and proud to have my work selected for inclusion in this important anthology. Writing a targeted short story detailing what I believe to be one of the most important of human virtues, kindness, proved very cathartic.

“Even though I write predominantly crime fiction, I will always find opportunities to include human kindness even in the darkest of scenes; this is where it is often experienced: the touch of a hand, a reassuring smile, a rallying cry of support can be the human interaction that keeps another person’s head just above the rising waterline. Interestingly, when writing,

“I find that kindness is often the invisible oil that smooths the cogs within a disparate society.

“It is the foundation stone for community and harmony.

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“I have been married for 45 years and have known my partner for 50. In a long relationship I find separating kindness and love impossible – importantly this virtue underpins the emotion – we know that each person will do anything for the other; go the extra mile and never give in even when the evidence is not there to support the truth.

“Love and kindness are for me an intertwined Gordian knot that can only be separated in the final cut. It is with this thought I wrote my short story.”

Edited by internationally bestselling author LJ Ross, the Everyday Kindness anthology features over 50 uplifting tales from new, established, bestselling and award-winning authors from across the country.

It came about from the author’s desire to combine the skills of those in the wider writing community to promote positivity and raise funds for Shelter, a vital charity that works to prevent homelessness and bad housing across the UK.

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Everyday Kindness: A collection of uplifting tales to brighten your day, edited by LJ Ross, is out on November 13 (World Kindness Day), published in hardback (£12.99) and ebook (£2.99) by Dark Skies Publishing.

All sales proceeds from the book will be donated to Shelter.

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