Slabs from church's graveyard path stolen

St Aidan's Church, BillingeSt Aidan's Church, Billinge
St Aidan's Church, Billinge
Callous thieves have stolen slabs from a path leading to the graveyard at a church.

Merseyside Police is appealing for the public’s help after 13 York stone paving slabs which formed the path to the graveyard at St Aidan’s Church on Newton Road in Billinge were stolen between 11pm on November 2 and 11.18am on November 3.

Neighbourhood Inspector Steve Lowe said: “The community will be understandably shocked and saddened to hear that St Aidan’s, has been targeted in this way. Similar stone has been stolen in large quantities from the banks of the Sankey Canal.

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“This theft will be a costly expense for the church to replace, and cause an inconvenience for visitors to the church, as the slabs formed the path to the grave yard.

“The stone’s would typically be used in landscape gardening or paving and it’s possible the offenders have tried to sell these stones on.

“I’d like to appeal to the consciences of the offenders and ask them to consider the impact this will have not just on the church but the wider community too.”

If you’ve been offered or have bought any of these slabs please contact Merseyside Police. Anyone who has any information is asked to call on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.