GREATER MANCHESTER: These Tory MPs turned the Red Wall blue – but has it crumbled because of Covid?

James Grundy was among the MPs to break the 'red wall'James Grundy was among the MPs to break the 'red wall'
James Grundy was among the MPs to break the 'red wall'
The foundations of the so-called ‘Red Wall’ were rocked when Conservatives clinched narrow victories in constituencies dominated by Labour for decades.

The Tories took both seats in Bury and gained one more seat in Bolton by the tightest of margins, while winning comfortably in Leigh for the first time ever.

But 12 months into the job some surveys have suggested support is declining.

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The new MPs, many of whom were surprised themselves to be elected one year ago, have had to adapt to working in Westminster in the strangest of circumstances since the coronavirus crisis took hold early on in their career.

Bolton North East MP Mark Logan compares becoming an MP to starting a small business – setting up two offices, finding staff to support constituents through tough times and ‘sparring’ on their behalf in the House of Commons.

“No elected politician should take the goodwill of the people for granted,” he said. “The people’s will is what put me here, and it can easily be ‘taketh away’.

“2020 has been a year unlike any other most of us have been through. And my constituents have been through more than most other parts of the country.

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“I’ll never take the peoples backing for granted, and what Bolton needs now is a turbocharged economic recovery. Whether that be though government support or private investment. The real work now begins.”

Responding to recent research in ‘Red Wall’ seats for Channel 4 News which found Labour would win 36 of 45 seats the Tories gained in 2019, Leigh MP James Grundy described polls during a pandemic as ‘reasonably meaningless’.

But his Conservative colleagues concede Covid has caused some criticism.

Bury South MP Christian Wakeford says the Dominic Cummings ‘fiasco’, in which the Prime Minister’s aide was accused of breaching government guidance with a trip to Barnard Castle, was a ‘deciding’ and ‘telling’ moment.

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“The perception about it was one rule for the ‘political elite’ and one rule for everyone else,” he said. “The entire Barnard Castle thing became a massive joke.”

Despite some sympathy, he says the political atmosphere is still polarised.

“I think there’s still a lot of support from those who voted Tory perhaps for the first time last year,” he said.

“I think the general thought is with Covid, yes, we’ve got some things wrong.

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“But most people get that with a global pandemic that’s constantly evolving, you’re going to make mistakes.

“There is a lot of sympathy out there, but we were already in a very polarised atmosphere previously and unfortunately, it’s become even more polarised.

“Every mistake is now a political choice as opposed to something you’ve realised in hindsight just wasn’t right.”

After three recounts on an ‘exhilarating’ election night, Bury North MP James Daly won by just 105 votes, the tightest margin of victory in Great Britain.

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The Conservative councillor unsuccessfully stood for election twice before, but this was his first shot at representing the constituency where he lives.

When asked about the J.L. Partners survey which suggests the Conservatives are struggling to hold on to votes gained in seats like his, he interrupts to point out a problem he has with the premise of the question – that his personal career is more important to him than improving the lives of his constituents.

“If I succeed in bringing more jobs, more businesses, more investment into Bury and get voted out in five years’ time, or whenever the next general election is, I will consider that a success,” he said.

“What happens to me, is neither here nor there in the bigger scheme of things.

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“What I hope people will judge me on is the nature of the person I am, the effort I put in and whether I can actually bring some positive outcomes to people locally.

“What happens to me on a personal level – I genuinely don’t think about that.

“What bothers me is unemployment. What bothers me is the hospitality industry on its knees. What bothers me is getting more money into public services in Bury, trying to work with the council to get a Towns’ Fund deal, trying to rejuvenate the market and get Bury Football Club going.

“All these things are what bothers me. I never once considered my political future.”

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