Warning to residents after fire crews tackle Golborne blaze

Millingford Avenue, Goborne. Google MapsMillingford Avenue, Goborne. Google Maps
Millingford Avenue, Goborne. Google Maps
Firefighters have issued a warning after a householder fell asleep with the cooker on.

Crews from Wigan and Skelmerdale were called to a house in Millingford Avenue, Golborne, shortly before midnight last night (Friday).

A cooker had been left on and burning food inside was sending smoke pouring through the building.

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Firefighters gained entry to the house, where the occupant had fallen asleep.

They doused the fire and handed over the man to paramedics for a precautionary check.

A fire service spokesman said: "It was lucky that neighbours raised the alarm or it could have been a different story."

He urged residents never to leave food cooking unattended and make sure that smoke alarms were properly fitted and working.

If in doubt, ask Great Manchester Fire and Rescue Service for a fire safety check.

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