Letters: Why didn't David Beckham just pay his speeding fine?

Should David Beckham have paid his fine for speeding?Should David Beckham have paid his fine for speeding?
Should David Beckham have paid his fine for speeding?
Regarding David Beckham, his escape from justice for speeding '“ which he admitted '“ has been bought with the help of his fancy solicitor, but at what cost?

Several thousands of pounds I suspect.

The speeding fine would probably have been £200/£300, and a disqualification for 12 months.

Anyone else would have to comply with the law. Why is Beckham above the law?

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In my 55 years of driving, my only offence was driving at 34mph in a 30mph area, for which I was fined £60 and given three points on my licence! I was guilty as charged and paid the fine, and my letter arrived about 10 days after the incident, telling me no conversation would be entered into except in a courtroom!

Howard Rainbow

Address supplied

Re: David Beckham and his ‘speeding’ case, 59mph in a 40mph zone is hardly ‘borderline’. It was 5.30pm, so there were plenty of traffic and people about.

Had this incident resulted in death or injury, would “the post was late” have seen him escape those consequences?

Joshua Harris of Brake hopes that the ‘role model’ in question will accept that speeding is not acceptable.

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Role model or not, speeding fuels the ego and arrogance of macho man – and woman. The law and courts continue to proclaim that, when it comes to driving, you may do as you please as long as you can afford it.

For how much longer must we wait for these people to kill or maim before taking effective action?

ME Wright

via email