Wigan man jailed for sexually exploiting a teenager

Steven SmithSteven Smith
Steven Smith
A Wigan man has been jailed for sexually exploiting a teenager.

Today (Wednesday), Steven Smith (30) of no fixed address, has been sentenced to five years and four months in prison for engaging in sexual activity with a child at Bolton Crown Court.

Smith also received a sexual harm prevention order and will remain on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely. On Friday, August 11, 2017, police launched an investigation into sexual offences that had taken place in Wigan Town Centre after a 15-year-old teenager made a disclosure. Enquiries found that Smith had bought her alcohol and knew how young she was, but he denied having any sexual contact with her. However, DNA evidence later obtained disproved Smith’s account. Detective Constable Katherine Andrews from the Child Sexual Exploitation team at Wigan, said: “Smith’s actions were disgraceful and he prolonged the teenager’s agony by denying his actions, preventing officers from giving her the answers she deserved. “She has shown incredible bravery by reporting this to police, and I hope today’s sentence encourages other people who have been exploited, to come forward and share this with us. “We have a team of specialists in this field who work tirelessly to find the people who exploit children, and make sure everyone is held to account for their shameful actions.”