Wigan man hid in cupboard after hitting his partner, court told

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
Police officers responding to a 999 call to say that a woman had been attacked found her partner hiding in a cupboard, a court heard.

Leanne Shaw contacted the police at 1.30am on Friday, July 5 and could be heard shouting that she had been punched by Daniel Charlson, who already had a conviction for domestic abuse four years earlier.

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She said 27-year-old Charlson had left the property and gone to his friend’s house, but he was not there when police went round.

They returned to Ms Shaw’s home and she told them through a window that he could have gone somewhere else or even returned to their house.

Beth Pilling, prosecuting, said the bobbies re-entered the property and, after a search, found Charlson had secreted himself in a cupboard.

He admitted to slapping Ms Shaw, with whom he had been in a relationship for seven years, she said.

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Charlson, of Belmont Road, Hindley, had pleaded guilty to assault by beating when he appeared in court the next day and the case was adjourned so a report could be prepared for the sentencing hearing.

Miss Pilling said Charlson also had a conviction for a domestic violence incident from 2015.

Terry Maddocks, defending, said Charlson maintained that he struck her once with the back of his hand, rather than punching her.

He highlighted his client’s admissions in police interview and his early guilty plea.

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Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order, with a nine-month alcohol treatment order and 15 rehabilitation activity days.

Charlson was ordered to pay a £100 fine, £85 prosecution costs and £90 victim surcharge.