Wigan nursery cleared of wrongdoing after tot was hospitalised with infection

Little Angels nursery in GolborneLittle Angels nursery in Golborne
Little Angels nursery in Golborne
A Wigan nursery has been cleared of any wrongdoing after a tot was hospitalised with a severe bacterial infection.

The youngster, who attends Little Angels nursery in Golborne, was hospitalised after contracting hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS),a relatively rare but serious condition that is usually caused by certain strains of E. Coli bacteria.

The child has since been discharged from hospital.

As a precautionary measure, Wigan Council and Public Health England (PHE) arranged for testing of staff and children at the nursery for the infection.

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All samples submitted came back negative for STEC, which is a strain of E. Coli.

Environmental swabs were also taken from Little Angels nursery and were tested for STEC. These swabs also came back negative.

On Thursday, a letter was sent to parents of Little Angels nursery, reading: “We can advise you that no children at the nursery have evidence of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli

(STEC) infection nor is there any evidence that the nursery was the source of an infection that may have caused the severe illness in the affected child.”

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Professor Kate Ardern, director of public health at the council, said: “The testing of all children and staff who have regular contact with Little Angels was purely standard procedure in order to mitigate the risk of potential transmission to the child’s peers.”

“Little Angels nursery has been exceptionally cooperative and was one of several lines of enquiry into this investigation as the infection can be acquired in a number of ways such as through contaminated food, contact with farm animals and infected water.

“Advice has been given to both the nursery and parents reminding them of good hygiene practice and how to minimise the risk of bacteria spreading – especially if they or their child have experienced symptoms.

“We would like to remind all parents across the borough that if their children are poorly and showing symptoms of illness, they can minimise the risk of spreading bugs by keeping their children home and by washing their own hands/their child’s regularly, especially after nappy changing or before prepping food.”

All parents have been advised that their children can go back to nursery providing they are not displaying symptoms for at least 48 hours.