Wigan school on brink of top marks

Golborne has rocketed up the GCSE exam performance rankings in recent years. Library imageGolborne has rocketed up the GCSE exam performance rankings in recent years. Library image
Golborne has rocketed up the GCSE exam performance rankings in recent years. Library image
A Wigan high school is still rated as “good” - and showing potential to receive the top mark of “outstanding” at its next inspection, watchdogs say.

Ofsted carried out a short visit to Golborne High School, the second since it was judged to be good in 2013, and found it had retained that rating.

But the inspector said there was “enough evidence of improved performance” to suggest it could be given the highest score if a full inspection was carried out.

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The report said: “Leaders and governors have brought about considerable improvement since the last inspection. They have developed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils.

“A significant proportion of pupils are entered for the English baccalaureate. By the end of key stage four, pupils’ achievement is exceptionally high across all subjects.”

Disadvantaged pupils were said to “thrive” and the gap in achievement with other pupils nationally was “closing quickly”.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities made “excellent progress” in their learning.

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Ofsted found pupils were “happy and well cared for”, “behave well” and “work hard”.

All subjects had a “well-sequenced curriculum” and teachers’ subject knowledge was “well developed”.

The inspector suggested the school could improve further by reviewing the curriculum in some subjects to enhance opportunities for pupils to make greater connections in their learning across different subjects.

Golborne has rocketed up the GCSE exam performance rankings in recent years.

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And according to the new way the Government rates schools according to how much value they add to a pupil’s educational progress rather than the percentage who get five or more higher grades including English and maths, Golborne is now the top GCSE institution in the borough.