Vital new link between Wigan community groups and businesses

Coun Chris ReadyCoun Chris Ready
Coun Chris Ready
A new online resource connecting community groups with local businesses will provide a major boost to Wigan borough’s voluntary sector.

The Our Town Community Noticeboard is a networking platform created by Wigan Council to help voluntary, community & social Enterprise (VCSE) groups get in touch with local firms who may be able to help with projects that benefit the community.

Opportunities for businesses and contractors include providing mentoring services, volunteer opportunities, equipment or building and renovating workspaces.

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Coun Chris Ready, portfolio holder for communities at Wigan Council, said: “I am really enthusiastic about this innovative and unique project which offers a straightforward and easy way for businesses and community groups to connect and work together.

“The generosity and will of many of our businesses to give back to our communities and residents has always been strong in Wigan. The Our Town Community noticeboard is Wigan Council’s way of providing support to that.

“We have always been committed to community wealth building and it is something that has only become more vital in the wake of the pandemic.”

The Noticeboard has been designed to make it easy for VCSE and businesses to connect with each other.

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It also ensures opportunities to access support are fairly distributed across all our VCSE groups. It takes just a few minutes to complete our online form and to feature on the Our Town Noticeboard.

Local contractors also have the option to be matched with specific community groups who are likely to benefit from their help.

Coun Ready added: “If you are interested in being a part of something new and beneficial to Wigan, take a look and start getting involved.

“As we recover from this pandemic there is no better time for us all to work together towards making Wigan a thriving place to live and work.”

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To join the noticeboard, register here:

The Noticeboard can be accessed from Our Town landing page – under the More section:

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