Wigan artist returns home with first solo exhibition

The poster advertising the exhibitionThe poster advertising the exhibition
The poster advertising the exhibition
A Wigan artist is set to host his first solo art show inspired by his travels around the world

Combining new works with old, Joe Kiney Whitmore will present paintings, drawings and text together at Cross Street Arts in Standish, Wigan.

The exhibition titled Home? looks at the definition of the word, exploring what, where and even who 'home' is and what it means to humans in general.

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Joe,29, from Swinley has spent the past few years travelling, studying abroad in Krakow and teaching at a summer school for the arts in Hong Kong, before spending the last two and a half years in New Zealand.

He said: "It was always on the cards for me to come back to Wigan and it just so happens to tie in with the exhibition.

"Its really exciting, obviously returning to the borough I have a lot of family and friends here so I'm looking forward to catching up with people and showing them what I've been up to over the past few years.

"All of the pieces showcased are going to be in the gallery for a while which is great."

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The show is a reflection on how the artist has grown during his time galivanting overseas, where visual art meets poetry meets philosophical life advice from the diary of a now sober, smoke free, post-apocalyptic Covid survivor trying to make his way in the 21st Century.

Home? opens to the public on Friday December 10 at 6.30PM and is expected to remain at Cross Street Arts well into the New Year.

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